“You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus”. (Mark Twain)
The first Fuori Fuoco (Out of Focus) edition, international photography contest promoted by Caffè Moak in cooperation with Archinet, is about to start and will join the successful Letterario Moak Award. A new window in the Moak Culture project, which has been promoting new art forms for years and creates opportunities for young artists to emerge in the national and international cultural panorama. “The Moak Culture project – explains Annalisa Spadola, Caffè Moak Marketing Director – was born with a dual aim: spread culture through different art forms and offer young people the chance to introduce their skills in a creative and cultural field. A chance we have been offering to young writers and aspiring director with great results over the last years and now also want to extend to those passionate about photography, nowadays considered a new discipline, which communicative immediacy and digital evolution turned into expressive form of new generations”. “Coffee and new myths” will be topic of the first Fuori Fuoco edition. Professional as well as amateur photographers will be able to tell or report the social mutations we are actors and spectators of; today’s models, symbols embodying dreams and passions, more or less reachable aims turning into real obsessions.
Deadline to send the images in digital format only is July 15th. The panel of judges, which names will be revealed before deadline of the announcement, is represented by illustrious names of photography, well-known photographers and Aiap (Italian association design of visual communication) and Adi members (association for industrial design) Moak is partner of. The winner will be revealed during the price-giving evening on October 14th, 2014 and will receive price money, while all selected pictures by the judges will be published and promoted by Caffè Moak through exhibitions, events or advertising campaigns worldwide.
A real scouting of young writers and of those who are already well known, but strive for publishing and spreading their manuscripts – provided that topic is coffee. Even this year, the arduous task lies with the panel of judges of the XIII edition of Caffè Letterario Moak, the national Narration contest promoted by Caffè Moak in cooperation with Archinet. With the 2014 edition, Moak wanted to pay homage to the memory of William Shakespeare, playwright and poet of the 16th century, since his 450th birthday will be celebrated this year. One can take part by sending an unpublished short story where coffee is undisputed protagonist. Deadline is June 23rt, 2014 within midnight. The winner will be revealed during the price-giving evening on October 11th, which will be held in the areas of the new Moak business district, as always. Furthermore, all chosen short stories will be published in the 2014 anthology “Storied about coffee”. However, the names of the panel and President that will have to judge all stories and evaluate them as for originality, relation to the topic and writing style, are unknown yet. Five finalists will be chosen among all, who will compete for the 2014 edition-winning award. The Moak Literary Competition receives every year more and more adhesions and represents an important showcase for young writers that will be able to emerge in the national panorama of literature thanks to their talent. An opportunity for them, but also for Moak to promote and support art and culture.
Full announcement and news about the contest are available on the website www.caffe-letterario.it or accessing the Facebook and Twitter pages www.facebook.com/caffeletterariomoak and www.twitter.com/letterariomoak

Recommended song for the reading of the present article: See how a white negro flies – Out of Focus