Winners of the 2020 contents promoted by Moak will be announced during the “A Tutto Volume” festival.
The award ceremony of the writing and photography contests – Caffè Letterario and Fuori Fuoco – promoted by Moak, will be again held in the open air this year. After having to postpone due to Covid-19, the cultural event can finally be back in the spotlight. However, not in the areas of Casa Moak this time. Since 2010, in fact, the company had been opening the doors to its coffee plant to recreate the atmosphere of historical literary cafés.
Winners of the 2020 edition of the two contests will be announced on Saturday, June 12, 2021, at the festival of “A Tutto Volume – libri in festa a Ragusa”, one of the most renowned Italian literary events.
The decision to move the date of the event was taken due to the uncertainty in the pandemic context to organize events with public. “Since our first edition in the year 2000 – explains Annalisa Spadola, Marketing Director at Moak and creator of the contests – the chance to get people to meet, to interweave relationships between emerging artist and famous celebrities of the world of literature and photography, has been the life and soul of this project. Additionally, is also was a great opportunity to show the beauties of our area as well as the specific business sector, which has a lot to say and to offer. Despite being able to adapt to changes, all this can’t be replaced by a virtual meeting. This is why we were enthusiastic when we received an invitation by “A Tutto Volume” and his creator Alessandro di Salvo (who also is the Artistic Director of Caffé Letterario), with whom we share the passion for culture and the love for our region.

Hence, the five finalists of Caffè Letterario will have to wait another couple of months before finding out who is going to be the winner. The winning names of the 19th edition will be announced by Melania Mazzucco, who presides over the panel of judges.
On the other hand, the deadline to send the photo works for to take part in Fuori Fuoco has been postponed to May 23rd, 2021. Another date to save: May 6th. Day of the inauguration of the photo exhibition dedicated to the best photographic works of the seven past Fuori Fuoco Moak editions. The exhibition will be held within the art gallery Still by Denis Curti (president of the jury of the contest).
During the prize-giving evening, the new announcements of the 20th Caffé Letterario Moak as well as the 8th Fuori Fuoco edition will be presented.