Donato Carrisi will be president of the judging panel of the 13th Caffè Letterario Moak edition, national narration contest promoted by Caffè Moak in cooperation with Archinet. Seen as one of the most famous Italian thriller writers in Italy and abroad, Carrisi is also scriptwriter for cinema and television; indeed, he successfully conducted the series “Il Sesto Senso” (The Sixth Sense) last March, which was broadcasted in prime time on Rai3. After his bestseller “Il Suggeritore” (“The Whisperer”), the author confirms its international success with his most recent novel “L’ipotesi del male” (Hypothesis of the evil). Donato Carrisi will be joined by leading figures: Campiello price-winner Andrea Molesini, who just published his last novel “Presagio” (Prediction), Paolo di Stefano, well-known signature of cultural pages of the newspaper Corriere della Sera – he is special reporter of now -, the author and musician from Bologna Gianluca Morozzi and the by now veteran member of the Letterario Moak panel: writer Gianni Cascone.
It will be their turn to judge the stories of young as well as accomplished Italian authors. Meanwhile, the panel already selected the ten worthiest manuscripts among all received ones, which will be published in the anthology “I racconti del caffè” (Stories about coffee). Five finalists will be chosen among these, while three winners will step on the podium and be awarded with prize money; these winners will be revealed during the prize-giving evening held in the Moak office district on October 11th.
While the 2014 edition carries thriller connotations, the unreleased stories will inevitably smell of coffee: topic participants had to rely on. Besides the opportunity to emerge by taking part in one of the most renowned national literature awards, young talents and aspiring writers will have the chance to share their passion for writing with authors of international fame.

Instead, the 1st edition of Fuori Fuoco Moak, international photography contest will be presided by Cesare Colombo. Class 1935, he has a long experience in the sector of visual communication and research besides working as photographer for more than fifty years, becoming one of the most renowned experts of Italian photography, not only as author, but also as researcher and historian of images. His snapshots for magazines like Abitare, Domus, Vie del Mondo, and for companies such as IRI, IBM, 3M, Fiera Milano, Bayer, Ciba, Kraft, Enimont are famous. His pictures show a strong interest for man, dynamic protagonist of the frame, but also symbol of today’s social events. Author of numerous anthologies, last year he published “La camera del tempo” for Contrast: a volume lead by Simona Guerra, where Colombo retraces old years, lines of reasoning with his friends and colleagues, his sharpest pictures and some texts written over the years; a work representing testimony of the path “of a man that believes in the use of photography as powerful social and political weapon in our times”.

The topic of human condition agrees with the one of Fuori Fuoco – “the new myths” – aspiring and professional photographers will have to use as source of inspiration, provided that a connection with coffee emerges in the picture. Colombo will be joined by a prominent panel of judges: photographer Massimo Siragusa, Cinzia Ferrara, AIAP vice president (Italian association of visual communication), Matteo Maggiore, ADCI council member (Italian Art Directors Club) and Marco Lentini, graphic designer of Caffè Moak. Even Laura Leonelli, journalist and expert in photography and traveling, writing for the column “Domenica” in the Il Sole 24 Ore and Panorama Travel will be part of the panel. Through three images, participants will have to report or describe the social mutations we are actors and spectators of, and send them in digital format only by accessing the official website of the contest The three finalists will be announced during the prize-giving evening on October 11th, while all selected pictures will be spread and promoted worldwide by Caffè Moak through exhibitions, events and advertising campaigns.
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