Foodss, businesses and students between food and design

Design as quality guarantee for everyone’s daily life. This is the leitmotiv of the Golden Compass, the most important design award worldwide, which ADI (Association of Industrial Design) has been assigning for more than fifty years to projects and products standing out for their level of innovation and functionality. However, quality of life also means food, respect and valorisation for the area we live in. Out of this premise, the Foodss project is set up; a didactic laboratory with the aim of analysing and revealing the complex relations regarding production and food. End purpose is to give life to a material or intangible product – considering variables of the course conception/realization/sale/consumption – able to enhance the resources of an area and improve everyone’s living conditions. Authors of this ambitious spin-off – created and developed by Vincenzo Castellana, professor of Design System in the degree course Design and Visual Communication at Abadir – are universities, students and Sicilian businesses of the food sector, among which Moak. The thread bases on the Expo Milan 2015 topic: Feed the Planet, Energy for Life.

The project has been divided into four stages and already started last December, when the ADI Food Design commission for Expo introduced the Manifest of food design in the presence of chosen Sicilian companies. The third stage, which just finished, included students and partner companies in a workshop at Palazzo Cafisi (Favara) during the event “It’s a wonderful time, Summer Design Fest” of ADI Sicilia. The last stage will be finalised in September in Milan with the presentation and exhibition of the final Foodss projects at the Design House for Expo that ADI Nazionale set up in the period of the universal exposition. A dialogue between students and businesses that generated expendable and feasible proposals for the real market, at a time where there is need to recognize the innate attitude for taste and creativeness, which turned our region into model of style not only made of food but also design, more than ever.

Song suggested to read this article: I’m designer – Queens of the Stone Age