for[me]one, the first shop opens in Modica

Moak once again pays homage to its town, and does it in a big style by opening the first Italian for[me]one store in Modica, within the heart of Sicilian baroque. Inaugurated last December, the store has already become a must-stop for lovers of colonial products. For[me]one represents the evolution process of the “zero” for[me]moak project, Moak’s in-house advertising agency that designed the new “colonial” space thinking of new ways and means of communication, where coffee is combined with other rituals and flavours. Even the naming strengthens the project identity: the term forme (forms) expresses also the figurative meaning of wanting to create new forms – whether graphic or related to items – which get the Moak brand across with innovative language. The square brackets split the word and express the concept of bond instead, “I create something for”, “one” is the identification of the first store opened in a town or large city; the following sign in the same area will be identified by a sequential number based on opening order.

In the new space, the client will be able to choose the different freshly-ground coffee blends made by Moak, as well as a careful and rich selection of products chosen one by one, researched where history begins, talking to those who have seen them growing and know each aftertaste. Choosing the best tea or the most refined type of cocoa requires time and passion, just as Moak does when selecting its coffee beans. In the same way, excellences – not only local – of chocolate, liqueurs and marmalades were included, which according to Moak represent the Made in Italy quality. Such as La via del tè (The tea route), Florentine company that has been passionate about tea since 1961; for[me]one dedicated the first corner in the province within its store, including more than sixty types of tea, scented blends, fruit infusion and herb tea. Moreover, one area is dedicated to confectionery and pralinery and accessory lines connected to the ritual of tea and coffee, from single-dose filters, to teapots and cups. The innovative and sustainable approach belonging to the for[me]moak language is also expressed in the architectural choices and the furnishing: the exhibition modules are linear as for forms and colours, inspired by an industrial style and can be compared to recycled furniture, like the old carpenter counter turning into tasting countertop. A place and space that carries those who get in away by scents, flavours and colours, and is able to marry tradition and innovation without venturing.

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