Moak was awarded for being a “successful business” and example of entrepreneurial excellence made in Italy. This important recognition was made official at the Intesa Sanpaolo roadshow held in Rome.
From a sample of about 180,000 small and medium-sized Italian companies, Caffè Moak was selected – together with 4 other Sicilian firms and 115 all around Italy – as a business model that has contributed to the growth of its region from a productive, economic and occupational point of view.
Marketing Director Annalisa Spadola tells about the successful story. Together with her brother Alessandro, she is leading the company founded by her father in 1967. Annalisa was accompanied by Giorgio Giannì (second from left, picture above), Head finance and accounting of the Moak group.

““This award is important not only for our company – state Alessandro and Annalisa Spadola – but also for the people who contribute to its success every day. This is a good sign for the industrial and productive sector in Sicily, which is often considered not dynamic and innovative enough. Therefore, congratulations also to those “successful” companies that invest in and for the region, being well aware of the fact that great things can be done in Sicily”. The company drives this way of thinking forward, using it also as cultural vision of those who do business. “Our island is used to shed tears”, continues Annalisa Spadola. “This is why we have been promoting the contest Sicilia Felicissima for years now. The project aims at making students, teachers and companies from Sicily stand out, so that they can push all the positive and good things this region can offer. A commitment to transform tears of pain into joyful ones”.