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Desirable items in a position to create a particular atmosphere able to fascinate and capture the client’s attention. This is how the Moak universe takes shape through design items bound to coffee. A world recreated in bars through formulas and set-ups that are adaptable to different spaces and able to gain customer loyalty. Coffee tins, collection cups and books wedge in an installation of strong visual impact that catches your attention. The combination of elements studied by for[me]moak the set-up is composed of are able to contextually communicate the item’s usefulness and functionality, whether it is a cup or a spoon, the quality of the product and the aesthetic beauty.

In these pictures, for[me]moak suggests examples of set-ups in some coffee shops. Images that explain how important it is to fully embody the Moak culture, becoming spokesperson of the brand and giving one’s own clients not only a short coffee break, but a wider sensorial experience that many would like to continue even at home.


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