Recipe by Massimiliano Scotti, best ice cream maker in Europe. He created an instant and vegan coffee and chocolate flavoured gelato.
From March 5th to 29th, Mantua will host the first edition of the event dedicated to female photography. […]
Protagonists of the 2020 edition are Massimiliano Scotti, Marco Poidomani, Lavinia Mannucci and Matteo Beluffi. Best ice cream […]
Moak accoglie il nuovo anno con nuovi talenti: Andrea Zappalorto è il nuovo CCO. L’azienda punta a rafforzare la presenza all’estero.
Francesco Minerba è il nuovo Program Leader di Moak. Nel 2020 l’azienda punta a rilanciare il porzionato con un progetto 100% green.
Pasticceria Matranga, Sfrigola and Sampolo are the three winners of the event promoted by Cronache di Gusto. On […]
Geert-Jan Heesterbeek custom-made bonbons gain over the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The first thing that comes to mind […]
Sabato 7 dicembre a Reggio Calabria appuntamento con la maratona solidale ideata da Giusy Versace. Moak partner dell’evento.
The Wine Guide developed by Sicily’s Italian Sommelier Association includes 140 companies. Caffè Moak was partner of the […]
Trees and plants are guardians of traditions and symbols of life, which have now become milestones of the […]